Abstract The present thesis is concerned with the design of compact antenna arrays. The terms "compact" and "miniaturised" are used interchangeably for antenna arrays where the element separation is smaller than the conventional lambda/2 distance. Ultimately, the goal is to make more efficient use of the frequency spectrum by improving the diversity capabilities of the antenna arrays used. Theoretical and practical limits of antenna array miniaturisation are discussed. The physical phenomenon of superdirectivity is examined, which accounts for the strong coupling seen between closely spaced antenna elements. An analysis of the physical limits based on spherical harmonics reveals that six orthogonal polarisation modes exist even in the case of electrically very small arrays. Properly exploiting these degrees of freedom can therefore lead to an improved performance of compact antenna array designs. It is found that an antenna array is optimally described in terms of its overall eigenmode efficiencies. Eigenmodes can be interpreted as an orthogonal basis for radiation. Practical examples demonstrate that eigenmode matching as well as the eigenmode quality factors are suitable measures for the successful optimisation of compact antenna arrays. The major contribution of this work is the development of a new design method for decoupling and matching networks. Decoupling and matching networks counteract gain reductions caused by reflections due to eigenmode mismatch. The new method takes advantage of all degrees of freedom available for network design. Furthermore, effects of network losses are taken into account during the design procedure. For the first time it is demonstrated how a set of desired port beam patterns can be orthogonalised and subsequently realised as part of a decoupling and matching network. Methods for reducing network complexity and optimising network element tolerances are introduced, which make practical implementations feasible. Diversity gain improvements due to the decoupling and matching network are shown to reach between two and three decibels. Another question addressed in this work deals with the advantages and disadvantages associated with different network realisations. Theoretically, the specific set of orthogonal beam patterns is shown to be of secondary concern. More important is minimisation of ohmic losses as well as parasitic energies stored within the network.