The process of academic scientists’ knowledge and technology transfer : initation, phase transitions and multiple goals

This dissertation explores the process of knowledge and technology transfer from academia to industry, focusing on individual scientists. Chapter 1 introduces the topic, economic relevance, research objectives, and an overview of subsequent chapters. Chapters 2 to 4 present core findings of three research studies on factors influencing transfer initiation, process progression, and successful implementation alongside regular research. Chapter 5 concludes with key findings, contributions, policy implications, limitations, and future research directions. A questionnaire was sent to scientific staff at Thuringian universities and research institutes. Primary data were combined with bibliometric data and additional secondary data about their research institutions. Econometric methods used include logistic regressions, dominance analyses, seemingly unrelated regressions, and multinomial regressions. The academic transfer process involves generating research results at universities and conveying them to industrial applications, characterized by uncertainties and various activities and challenges. The process varies based on the chosen transfer channel: academic spin-offs, intellectual property protection, and research collaborations. The dissertation investigates the micro-level process of individual scientists, filling literature gaps by examining what influences them to initiate transfers. It explores phase transitions and how the importance of academic and commercial embedding changes. It also examines how transfer can be achieved alongside high research performance, highlighting the role of different forms of social capital. This work contributes to the literature on knowledge and technology transfer by providing insights into factors influencing initiation, progression, and achievement of multiple goals, serving as a foundation for future research exploring additional transfer channels and influencing factors.


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