Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision 2017

The design of engineering structures takes place today and in the past on the basis of static calculations. The consideration of uncertainties in the model quality becomes more and more important with the development of new construction methods and design requirements. In addition to the traditional forced-based approaches, experiences and observations about the deformation behavior of components and the overall structure under different exposure conditions allow the introduction of novel detection and evaluation criteria. The proceedings at hand are the result from the Bauhaus Summer School Course: Forecast Engineering held at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2017. It summarizes the results of the conducted project work, provides the abstracts of the contributions by the participants, as well as impressions from the accompanying programme and organized cultural activities. The special character of this course is in the combination of basic disciplines of structural engineering with applied research projects in the areas of steel and reinforced concrete structures, earthquake and wind engineering as well as informatics and linking them to mathematical methods and modern tools of visualization. Its innovative character results from the ambitious engineering tasks and advanced modeling demands.


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Rechteinhaber: Abrahamczyk, Lars

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