Acoustic inter- and intra-room similarity based on room acoustic parameters

This paper shows various approaches for determining acoustic (dis-)similarity based on room acoustic parameter values derived from real measurements. The similarity is calculated across different room configurations and/or between different microphone-loudspeaker positions within the same room configuration. We compare supervised (LDA, Random Forrest) and unsupervised techniques (PCA, SPPA) and pre-selected visualizations in terms of their ability to exhibit inter- and intra-room (dis-)similarities. The data set generated comprises spatially high-resolution room impulse responses obtained from multiple source-receiver positions within a room configuration. The room acoustics are varied by introducing active walls and geometries accounting for specific room configurations. The results show that the separation of room configurations primarily relies on specific acoustic parameters, with the reverberation time playing an important role. Within a given room configuration, the acoustic parameters excluding the reverberation time mainly capture the orientation and distance between the source and receiver.


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