Optimizing the processing performance of a single screw extruder using live simulations based on real time experimental data

This article aims to present a simulation system with an environment that enables live simulation of the process behavior of a single screw extruder based on real time experimental data. The simulated target variables such as pressure, temperature, throughput and melting behavior are visualized to the machine operator within an assistant system in a graphical form. The results can directly be assessed and furthermore, recommendations for process improvement can be carried out if the process behavior has to be optimized.
In a first step, current process parameters such as pressure and screw speed are read repetitively from the extrusion control. Next, this data is used to simulate the process behavior in real time and the results are sent to an assistant system. Afterwards, the results are visualized to the machine operator and based on the simulation results and expert know how potential for optimization can be generated.


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