Automated and repeatable homogeneity calculations on simulated and measured luminance fields

In the field of light system engineering, evaluating the performance of the developed device with various tests is as crucial as the development process. The homogeneity performance is one of the tested criteria which plays a significant role for customer satisfaction. To be able to validate the quality of a luminance distribution in a lighting system multiple methods has been developed. These methods which have different use-cases in terms of the evaluation are connected with one similarity - time consuming and with a need of a lot of effort which needs to be spend for the calculation. This issue is caused since the fact that a result with high accuracy is almost impossible to achieve with the conventional methodology of by-hand evaluation. Therefore, an exceptionally good assessment of uniformity for user satisfaction is hard to accomplish. In this project, we developed a program which can perform complex calculations in a semiautomated manner with the highest precision possible, limited by only the finite nature of provided images for the calculations.


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