Automatic generation of a simulation model to support the rescheduling of a Fixed-Layout Assembly system

Fixed-Layout Assembly (FLA) systems are used to assemble large and bulky products. These products are often unique and require customer-specific engineering and customization. FLA systems are frequently prone to disturbances and plan deviations throughout operations: delayed deliveries, incompatibility or failures of equipment, and unplanned absences of operators. Planners therefore need a simple and efficient tool to quickly forecast the impact of changes on the whole assembly system. A solution concept has been presented by the authors in a previous publication (Billiet and Stark, 2022). The authors presented a method to automatically generate a simulation model by using data concerning the products, orders and shifts from the ERP system. This paper describes the implementation of the previously presented solution concept by applying it to a FLA for the production of Large Motors and Converters (LMC) in Berlin.


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