Simulation-based assessment of sustainability metrics in the transportation domain: a systematic literature review

Transportation is crucial for economic prosperity and the quality of life. Yet, it is also associated with negative externalities (e.g. emissions). Developing and implementing more sustainable means of transportation is one of the major concerns of researchers and policy-makers to improve liveability and contribute to environmental conservation. The use of simulation to evaluate sustainability-related indicators of transportation systems has received increasing attention within the last decades. However, research and practice still lack a comprehensive overview of common performance indicators for different transportation modes that are particularly suitable to be analysed by means of simulation-based research. Therefore, we employ a systematic literature review to delineate and conceptualize the status quo of simulation-based sustainability research in the transportation sector. We provide insights on the appropriateness of different simulation methodologies and tools for various transportation modes and sustainability measures and identify research trends and knowledge gaps to provide guidance for prospective simulation-based research.


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