A Middle Assyrian Fragment Mentioning Iron from Kassite Nippur

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Orientalistik, Indogermanistik, Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie , Fürstengraben 1, D-07737Jena , GermanyGermany
Ridder, Jacob Jan de;
Hermann-Löns-Straße 21, D-72461Albstadt Germany
Sassmannshausen, Leonhard

Abstract In this study, a fragment from the Hilprecht Collection in Jena will be discussed. The tablet was previously identified as Middle Babylonian and published as TMH NF 5, 59. Closer inspection reveals Middle Assyrian palaeography. The fragmentary tablet deals with metals used for precious objects and was part of a larger inventory or letter. Noteworthy is a reference to iron, a metal rarely attested in Kassite Nippur but better known from the archaeological material and philological evidence from the Middle Assyrian Empire. An overview of philological evidence for iron in 2 nd millennium Assyria will be given in this study.


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