Towards a fast calculator for the radiation characteristics of radiative recombination and radiative electron capture

Helmholtz-Institut Jena , 07743 Jena,Germany
Weber, G;
Helmholtz-Institut Jena , 07743 Jena,Germany
Ding, H;
Helmholtz-Institut Jena , 07743 Jena,Germany
Herdrich, M O;
Helmholtz-Institut Jena , 07743 Jena,Germany
Surzhykov, A

Abstract The radiative capture of free electrons (radiative recombination) and bound electrons (radiative electron capture) are among the most important charge changing processes for fast, highly-charged ions. While total cross sections can be obtained by an approximate formula with reasonable accuracy, the estimation of angular distributions and polarization properties of the emitted radiation requires a fully relativistic treatment that is numerical expensive. Therefore we recently started the development of a fast calculator for these radiation characteristics. The program is based on a grid of rigorously calculated data points for free- electron capture into bare ions, between which interpolation is performed to obtain radiation characteristics for specific collision systems. Also capture into few-electron systems is taken into account in an approximate way. We present first results from this development.


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