Analysis and determination of strength in plastic stage of free form steel shapes

The steel structure design codes require to check up the member strength when evaluating plastic deformations. The model of perfectly plastic material is accepted. The strength criteria for simple cross-sections (I section, etc.) of steel members are given in design codes. The analytical strength criteria for steel cross-sections and numerical approaches based on stepwise procedure are investigated in many articles. Another way for checking the carrying capacity of cross-sections is the use of methods that are applied for defining strain-deformed state of elastic perfectly plastic systems. In this paper non-iterative methods are suggested for checking strength of cross-sections. Carrying capacity of cross section is verified according to extremum principle of plastic fail under monotonically loading and the strain-deformed state of cross-section is defined according to extremum energy principals of elastic potential of residual stresses and complementary work of residual displacements. The mathematical expressions of these principals for discrete cross-section are formulated as problems of convex mathematical programming. The cross-section of steel member using finite element method is divided into free form plane elements. The constant distribution of stresses along the finite element is accepted. The relationships of finite elements for static formulation of the problem are formed so, that kinematics formulation relationships could be obtained in a formal way using the theory of duality. Numerical examples of determination of cross-section strength, composition of interactive curves and composition of moment-curvature curves for different axial force levels are presented.


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