Effective cost estimate and construction processes with 3D interactive technologies: Towards a virtual world of construction sites

The development of 3D technologies during the last decades in many different areas, leads us towards the complete 3D representation of planet earth on a high level of detail. On the lowest level we have geographical information systems (GIS) representing the outer layer of our planet as a 3D model. In the meantime these systems do not only give a geographical model but also present additional information like ownership, infrastructure and others that might be of interest for the construction business. In future these systems will serve as basis for virtual environments for planning and simulation of construction sites. In addition to this work is done on the integration of GIS systems with 3D city models in the area of urban planning and thus integration of different levels of detail. This article presents research work on the use of 3D models in construction on the next level of detail below the level of urban planning. The 3D city model is taken as basis for the 3D model of the construction site. In this virtual nD-world a contractor can organize and plan his resources, simulate different variants of construction processes and thus find out the most effective solution for the consideration of costs and time. On the basis of former researches the authors present a new approach for cost estimation and simulation using development technologies from game software.


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