10. Vorlesung (04.01.2016): EffectLiteR analysis of the Klauer data with a qualitative and a quantitative covariate

- EffectLiteR analysis of the Klauer data with a qualitative and a quantitative covariate - Model equation and linearity assumption for the regression of the outcome variable on the quantitative covariate in each cell - Meaning of the four main hypotheses in terms of (a) expected values or effects, (b) the g-functions, and (c) the coefficients of the g-functions - Adjusted expected values - Conditional effects given values of the qualitative covariate - Conditional effects given values of the qualitative covariate and the treatment variable - Conditional effects given values of the qualitative covariate and the quantitative covariate - Conditional expected values of the outcome variable under treatment and under control given values of the qualitative covariate and the quantitative covariate


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